Dear Friends,

Can you imagine a land were cow are holy, where people worship thousands of different gods and have people no knowledge of the peace and freedom that only Jesus can bring. I want to share with you an opportunity God has presented to me. India is a country overwhelmed with poverty and ravaged by disease. India is victimized even more severely by the spiritual blindness of Hinduism. Our goal is to serve in several areas while in India. Encourage, Serve and share with the women widow. Street children to be cared and educated especially helping the girl how to become strong women of faith. Providing job training for people who are marginalized and extremely poor. I am exciting about the opportunity and experience that lies ahead. I hope you see the value and the impact I hope to do while in India. 

As you imagine about this projects and it requires your prayer and your support to make it happen in due time. In addition to the financial support, I am also in great need of prayer support. Prayer is the fuel that will allows us to be successful as we follow God's leading in ministry in this country. Without prayer, nothing will happen. May I ask you to commit to praying for us as we launch this ministry. This ministry is for all of us, who has the passion and love for His advancement of His Kingdom. 

If you would like to be part of this kingdom establishment in India through your financial support, please mail to us and we will provide you the convenience to reach to us. While money is important, it comes in a distant second to our needs for your prayer support. 

Since prayer support is so important to the success of this mission, we would like to know if we  count to you in that area. Enclosed is a bookmark that you can put in the Bible, on your Bathroom mirror, on the fridge or anywhere else you will see it at least once a day. Please pray for this ministry and we will be sending you update letter before it begin any projects so that you can pray for specific areas.

Thank you for your partnership with us in this opportunity to share the Gospel in India. Because they haven't heard...........


Ashong Kom

About Us

Glorifying God by involving in the areas of Education, Health, Social and Spiritual activities. Whereby Uniting, Witnessing and Servicing.

Contact us email: agapeactionministries@gmail.com

Our Work

At the moments ongoing ministry;

1. Prayer Centre/Network

2. Church Planting

3. Children Home/ Orphanage

4. Adult Literacy Program & Health camp

5. Bible Class

6. Children Ministry & Helping the Poor

7. Tailoring Training Centre


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